Important Update!
​The Water Conservation Showcase is now a dedicated track of USGBC-CA's California Green Building Conference for 2025! Join us on May 22nd at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco to explore innovative water-saving strategies and sustainable building practices, as well as network with other leaders across the industry. Register now to secure your spot!

Grab your ticket today for the 2024 Showcase to learn more about scalable strategies and solutions to conserve one of Earth's most precious resources: water.
Since 2004, hundreds of advocates, researchers, business leaders, product manufacturers and government officials have gathered each year to address the most pressing water issues and challenges facing the state of California.
Join us in person to engage with exhibitors and network with water industry professionals. If you are unable to attend in person, you may register to view individual sessions online.
NOTE: For in-person attendance, please be aware that you will need to bring a valid photo I.D with you for entry into the facility.
AIA San Francisco Committee on the Environment (COTE) - San Francisco
City of Sacramento
East Bay Municipal Utility District
Pacific Gas & Electric
Regional Water Authority
Sacramento Regional Water Authority
San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
San Jose Water
U.S. Green Building Council - Northern California
Past, Present and Future of Water
Peter Gleick - Pacific Institute
Case Studies Featuring Innovation in Stormwater Management
Brent Bucknum - Hyphae Design Lab
Rob Dusenbury - Lotus Water Engineering
SmartLandscapes @ UC Davis: Actual Plant Water Use Study
Dave Fujino - CA Center for Urban Hort.
Emily Finch - CA Center for Urban Hort.
Abigail Bleichner - Student
Anthony La - Student
Tending the Urban Forest:
Gordon Matassa - City of Oakland
Dave Muffly - Oaktopia
Updating the UC Water Policy: Strategies for Successful Policy Development
Eli Perszyk - UC San Francisco
Wes Sullens - U.S Green Building Council
Transforming Urban Landscapes: Effective Policies and Programs
Paul Lander PhD - University of Colorado
Lourdes Camarena - Save Our Water
Terrence McCarthy - P.E, Los Angeles Department of Water and Power
California's Unprecedented Push for Increased Water Efficiency
Heather Cooley - Pacific Institute
Karina Herrera - SWRCB
Maureen Erbeznik - Maureen Erbeznik and Associates
Joe Berg - Municipal Water District of Orange County
The Cost and Water Savings Potential for Detecting Leaks
Sonali Abraham - Pacific Institute
Lindsay Kinsler - East Bay Municipal Utility District
Source to Sea: Plastic Pollution in our Oceans
Kasie Regnier - Monterey Bay Aqarium
Eben Schwartz - CA Coastal Commission
Miho Ligare - Surfrider Foundation
Decorative Lawn No More:
Navigating the New
Non-Functional Commercial Turf Irrigation Ban
Krista Guerrero - Metropolitan Water District
John Tawaststjerna - Rossmoor
Water-Energy Nexus:
Products that Save Water and Energy
Kendra Olmos - InPipe Energy
Claire Xiao - Rainstick Shower
Gerald Van Decker - RenewAbility Energy
Laundry to Landscape:
Lessons Learned
Kristin Bowman - EBMUD
Anya Kamenskaya - EBMUD
Holly Nadeau - City of Santa Rosa
Christina Mountanos - Marin Water
Nicolas Simard - City of Santa Clara Valley Water District
Q: Who can attend?
A: Everyone is invited to attend. All Water Conservation Showcase education is free to the public. This is made possible through the work of the Water Conservation Showcase partners: AIA SF COTE, East Bay Municipal Utility District, San Francisco Public Utilities, San Jose Water, Pacific Gas & Electric, USGBC Northern California, City of Sacramento, Sacramento Regional Water Authority and showcase sponsors.
Q: Will this be in-person or virtual?
A: In 2024, the Showcase will be a full-day, in-person conference! You can attend in-person (at the San Ramon Conference Center) for full access, networking, and engagement with exhibitors or virtually watch livestreamed webinars at home.
Q: Will parking be available?
A: Yes, parking will available, free and on-site.
Q: Will continuing education credits be available?
A: Yes, we will be offering GBCI and AIA continuing education hours for most sessions.
Q: Do I need to register for each session separately?
A: If attending in person, you will only need to register once through Eventbrite. If attending virtually, you should also register via Eventbrite and will receive instructions on how to attend each session a week prior to the conference. You can register on Eventbrite HERE.
Q: How do I get to the San Ramon Conference Center?
A: The Conference Center is located in San Ramon at 3301 Crow Canyon Road, off Highway 680, between Walnut Creek and Pleasanton. Free parking is available to all.
Driving Directions:
From Highway 680, take the Crow Canyon Road exit.
Head East until you pass Camino Ramon Road.
Turn into the second driveway on your right
Local Public transportation:
The San Ramon Valley Conference Center is accessible by BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) and County Connection bus. You can ride BART to the Walnut Creek station then transfer to the 95X, 96X or 21 County Connection bus, or ride BART to the Dublin/Pleasanton Station and transfer to the 97X or 35 County Connection bus.
If you have questions, please call the Conference Center at (925) 866-7500.
Q: How can I get help with the registration process?
A. Please email community@usgbc.org
Water Conservation Showcase: Visit the Southeast Community Center in San Francisco
View the 2023 Water Conservation Showcase program
A vision of ecological preservation for California’s water use
Take a California watershed walk and connect around conservation
Attend Webinar Home Water Solutions All Budgets
Water Conservation Showcase on stewardship, policy and equity
Water Conservation Showcase on water use and landscapes
Last day of the Water Conservation Showcase features technologies and design strategies
2020 Water Conservation Showcase reaches a wide audience
Continue learning about water policies at the Water Conservation Showcase

Thank you to our sponsors, partners and exhibitors who have donated the 2024 door prizes!​
In person attendees must be present in the conference center at the closing remarks to win.
Dazed Bucket Hat - Ivory
Sand Cloud x Surfrider Cloud Sunburst Towel
Turmeric Logo Dad Hat
$100 Amazon Gift Card
Signed Copy - The Three Stages of Water by Peter Gleick