2017 Education Sessions
​How Are Projects with Water Budgets and MWELO Compliance Actually Performing?
Dave Langridge, Water Conservation Representative, EBMUD
Ann-Marie Benz, Executive Director, ReScape California/Bay-Friendly Coalition
Sarah Sutton, BFQP, ASLA, LEED AP, Principal, PlaceWorks
This presentation looks at metered data collected by EBMUD at MWELO-compliant sites and identifies where the best irrigators are located. For some specific sites, ReScape representatives will describe the specific water-saving landscape design strategies deployed.
Eliminating Water Waste: A Panel Discussion on Leak Detection Techniques and Case Study Projects
Sean Steffensen, Mechanical Engineer, California Energy Commission
Ryan Gabriel, P.E. Engineer – Hydraulics and Operational Support, SFPUC City Distribution Division
Timothy D. Danz, Chief Engineer, The California Center
Cindy Anderson, Vice President, Marketing, The Detection Group
This panel discussion on leak detection will feature four perspectives and explore the topic at both utility and building scales. The magnitude of water leaks in California will be discussed along with strategies and technologies that can be leveraged to address the problem.
Workshop on Landscape Irrigation
Christine Hawkins, Specification Manager, Hunter Industries
Tom Bressan, Urban Farmer Store
Recommendations for a New Long Term Water Use Efficiency Framework
Peter Brostrom, Water Use Efficiency Program Manager, California Department of Water Resources
The main focus of the talk will describe the recommendations for a new long term water use framework in California including a description of the proposed water budget targets, commercial, industrial and institutional performance measures and water shortage contingency plans.
From Laboratories to Homes: Water Conservation Case Studies
Claire Maxfield, Director, Atelier Ten
Mayank Saxena, Project Manager - Indra Designs Inc.
Panel presentation featuring the recently-completed work of two architectural firms, Atelier Ten and Indra Designs Inc., whose collective portfolio demonstrates that water conservation can be applied across a wide range of building types and scales.
Workshop on Greywater Systems
Sherry Lee Bryan, Senior Program Specialist, EcologyAction
Alan Hackler, Owner/Contractor/Designer, Bay Maples Landscaping
Water Use Reduction at UC Campuses: Water Conservation Case Studies
Camille Kirk, Director of Sustainability and Michael Fan, Director of Utilities, UC Davis
Eliahu Perszyk, Water Program Coordinator, UC San Francisco
Kristen Lee, Sustainability Programs Manager and Patrick Testoni, Energy Manager, UC Santa Cruz
By exploring the water-conserving projects deployed at UC-Davis, UC-San Francisco and UC-Santa Cruz, this panel presentation will take a closer look at the myriad of strategies being pursued to meet the University of California system-wide goal of reducing per-capita water consumption by 20% by 2020.
A Closer look at Plumbing Fixtures: From Standards to Performance Testing
Stephanie Tanner, Lead Engineer, US EPA WaterSense Program
John Koeller, Principal, Koeller and Company - MaP Testing
This panel presentation on plumbing fixtures will include an overview and update on the EPA's WaterSense program and explore California's individual fixture standards. The future of these standards, actual product performance and industry trends will also be presented.
Workshop on Rainwater Gardens
Martha Berthelsen, Program Manager, The Watershed Project
Progressive Civil Engineering: Water Conservation Case Studies
Amelia Luna, Project Manager, Sherwood Design Engineers
Peter Haase, Principal Engineer, Fall Creek Engineer, Inc. & Chief Technology Officer at Acqualogic
This panel presentation will feature the design work of two progressive civil engineering firms: Sherwood Design Engineers and Fall Creek Engineer, Inc.. Through case study project examples, representatives of both firms will share their inventive design strategies, core principles that insure project success, water-savings data and lessons learned.
Addressing California’s Water Needs Through Data and Collaboration
Frank Loge, Director, Center for Water-Energy Efficiency, and Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis
This session will explore the historic context, challenges and opportunities related to the water-energy nexus. The speaker will share the results of recent research on the topic and describe the latest industry approaches to water and energy utility partnerships.
Workshop on Indoor Plumbing Fixtures and Appliances
Stephanie Tanner, Lead Engineer, US EPA WaterSense Program
John Koeller, Principal, Koeller and Company - MaP Testing
Amin Delagah, Engineer, Food Service Technology Center